Introvert vs Extrovert State of Mind

Introvert vs Extrovert State of Mind

Hello, I'm Mila. Thank you for stopping by, and welcome to "Introverts, Our Feelings Are Valid", the series where I share information about introverts and our feelings.

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Today we'll be talking about the introvert vs extrovert state of mind. Join us.


What is your state of mind? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? And if you relate to both and feel that you are somewhere in the middle, you are probably an ambivert. Technically, I don't think any of us are 100% introvert or 100% extrovert, but we tend to lean towards one more than the other.



What's the definition of an Introvert?


An introvert is a person who tends to be more reserved, introspective, and may feel drained after spending time around people. Raise an eyebrow and nod if that's you. I know that's me for sure! I can't tell you how drained I feel after socializing with a group of people or working in a brainstorming session at work. It takes so much energy to be around others, and the longer I stay in these situations, the more stimulation drains my brain. After that, I just want to jump into my car and run home haha…


Yes, spending time alone is preferred to large groups, but one-on-one talks or discussions are okay because you have a point of focus or a single person to focus on, rather than everything going on everywhere at the same time. It's exhausting just talking about it. Introverts, by nature, are more reflective and thoughtful, so they prefer to think deeply about things before expressing their thoughts or opinions. Watch out though, I know firsthand how thinking deeply can lead to overthinking and sometimes even cause decision paralysis, making it hard to let go of the topic or close it out. Sometimes we are more critical of ourselves.


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The big takeaway here is that introverts are not aliens, even though we have our own special traits, and we're mysterious. It's by design. We're okay with human interaction, but we need time to recharge so that we can engage in these activities again. Listen, it's okay to be quieter and shy when meeting new people. I want to keep things private and to myself because it conserves my energy when I'm out in public, allowing me to stay longer.


So what are some ways that introverts recharge? Introverts recharge their energy levels by spending time alone or engaging in quieter, more introspective activities."


Here are some common ways that introverts may recharge:


  • Reading: Introverts often enjoy reading as a way to escape into a different world and engage their imaginations.
  • Spending time alone: Introverts need time to be alone with their thoughts and feelings. This may involve taking a walk, meditating, or just sitting in quiet reflection.
  • Engaging in creative activities: Many introverts enjoy creative hobbies such as writing, painting, or playing music, as a way to express themselves and recharge their energy levels.
  • Watching movies or TV shows: Watching a favorite movie or TV show can be a way for introverts to relax and recharge in a familiar and comforting environment.
  • Engaging in low-key social activities: While introverts may not enjoy large social events, they may still appreciate spending time with a small group of close friends or engaging in one-on-one conversations.
  • Exploring nature: Being in nature can be a calming and restorative experience for introverts, allowing them to connect with their inner selves and recharge their energy levels.
  • Writing or journaling: Writing can be a way for introverts to process their thoughts and emotions, and to gain clarity on their feelings and experiences.


It's important to recognize that everyone is different, and what works for one introvert may not work for another. The key is for introverts to find activities and environments that allow them to recharge their energy levels in a way that feels authentic and fulfilling to them.



What's the definition of an extrovert?


An extrovert is the opposite of an introvert. Extroverts get their energy from being around people and often enjoy socializing and being the center of attention. Unlike introverts who prefer to retreat and recharge in silence by enjoying calmer activities, extroverts tend to be more outgoing and expressive, and may thrive in large social situations. When extroverts spend too much time alone without human interaction, they may start to feel restless and bored, so they seek out some stimulation from social circles and activities.


Although extroverts gain energy from socializing and being around people, it doesn't mean that they can do so indefinitely without taking a break. Just like introverts, extroverts may also need time to recharge their energy levels. For extroverts, recharging typically involves taking a break from socializing and spending some time alone or engaging in more low-key activities. This allows them to rest and rejuvenate, and to process their thoughts and experiences from social interactions. Extroverts may recharge their batteries by doing things like reading, taking a walk in nature, listening to music, or engaging in a creative hobby. By taking this time to themselves, they can recharge their energy levels and feel ready to socialize again.


It's important to recognize that the need to recharge is not exclusive to introverts. Extroverts may also need time to recharge their batteries, just in a different way than introverts. Understanding this need can help us better appreciate and support those around us, regardless of their personality type.


Do you know any extroverts? Comment below if you recognize any of these traits about extroverts.


Okay, so we've defined introverts and extroverts, but what if there's something in the middle? If you're listening to some of the introvert and extrovert traits and you feel that you're somewhere in the middle, you're probably an ambivert. Okay, what's that? Let's define it.



What is an ambivert and how is that different from an introvert and extrovert


An ambivert is a person who displays qualities of both introverts and extroverts, depending on the situation, wedging themselves somewhere in between the two extremes. While introverts tend to prefer quiet and solitary activities and find socializing draining, and extroverts tend to thrive on social interaction and stimulation, ambiverts can adapt to both situations and enjoy a balance of alone time and socializing. A good example of this is when an ambivert is in a quiet, intimate setting, they may display introverted characteristics such as being more reserved, thoughtful, and reflective. However, in a social gathering with friends or colleagues, the same person may become more outgoing, expressive, and talkative, displaying more extroverted traits. Ambiverts may also have a greater ability to read social cues and adapt their behavior to the situation, making them effective communicators and leaders.


Alright, let's leave the middle and get back to introverts and extroverts. One may ask, what are the main differences between introverts and extroverts? The main differences between introverts and extroverts are in how they gain and expend their energy, how they process information, and how they interact with others. Next time you're out in public, like at a restaurant, or in school in the lunchroom or gym, at a park, etc., observe for a few minutes how people are interacting with each other and how you're interacting with the world around you. Become more aware of the small cues and reactions and soak it in, then gauge how you are feeling. Do you feel the need to jump into conversations with others, or do you prefer to sit on the bench under the tree and read your book?


Let's dive into that a little more. What do introverts tend to do, and what do extroverts tend to do? And remember, I'm not a medical professional or a mental health doctor, so these are generalizations, and also you could be somewhere in the middle, as we've discussed above. You could be an ambivert.



Introverts tend to:

  • Gain energy from being alone and expend energy in social situations
  • Process information internally, through introspection and reflection
  • Prefer deep conversations and one-on-one interactions
  • Get overwhelmed or drained by large social events
  • Need time alone to recharge and reflect
  • Tend to be more reserved and quiet in groups



Extroverts tend to:

  • Gain energy from being around people and expend energy when alone
  • Process information externally, through talking and interacting with others
  • Enjoy socializing and being the center of attention
  • Thrive in large social events
  • May get bored or restless if they spend too much time alone
  • Tend to be outgoing and expressive in groups
  • It's important to note that introversion and extroversion are not black-and-white categories, but rather exist on a spectrum. Most people fall somewhere in between, with some introverted and some extroverted tendencies.


What do extroverts think of introverts and vice versa?

It's important to note that everyone is different, and individual opinions and attitudes can vary widely. However, there are some common perceptions and stereotypes that each group may hold about the other.


Extroverts may view introverts as:

  • Shy, quiet, or withdrawn
  • Antisocial or unfriendly
  • Boring or uninteresting
  • Not willing to speak up or take charge, in other words, not assertive
  • Overly sensitive or emotional
  • Slow to make decisions


On the other hand, introverts may view extroverts as:


Introverts may view extroverts as:

  • Confident and unafraid in social situations or group settings
  • Exhausting or draining to be around because they can go on like the energizer bunny
  • Loud, or attention-seeking
  • Superficial or lacking in depth, maybe even impulsive
  • Pushy or overbearing
  • Not the best listeners because they tend to talk a lot, and sometimes miss certain cues


I'll say this about the views expressed above, it's important to recognize that these perceptions are often based on stereotypes and misunderstandings. In reality, both introverts and extroverts can be valuable members of society, each bringing unique strengths and perspectives to the table. By recognizing and appreciating these differences, we can work together to create a more inclusive and understanding world.


Have you ever asked yourself how a person becomes either an introvert or an extrovert? I mean, are we born this way? The consensus among researchers is that introversion and extroversion are largely innate personality traits. This means that they are likely present from birth or early childhood and are thought to be influenced by a combination of genetic, neurological, and environmental factors.


Some studies have suggested that introversion and extroversion may be linked to differences in brain chemistry and functioning. For example, one study found that introverts tend to have more activity in the part of the brain responsible for processing information, while extroverts tend to have more activity in the part of the brain responsible for reward and pleasure.


However, it's important to note that personality is not entirely determined by biology. Environmental factors, such as upbringing, culture, and life experiences, can also shape a person's personality and behavior over time.


While introversion and extroversion are typically thought of as two distinct personality traits, in reality, most people fall somewhere in between on the spectrum. Some people may even exhibit both introverted and extroverted tendencies depending on the situation and context.


In summary, while some aspects of introversion and extroversion may be innate, the complex interplay of genetic, neurological, and environmental factors makes it difficult to pinpoint a single cause for these personality traits. This may also explain why some people change over time and become one or the other. I'm fascinated by both introverts and extroverts because we all bring something to the table. We have traits that complement each other really well, and we can definitely work well together as long as we respect boundaries and communicate effectively.


What are your thoughts about introverts and extroverts? Do you gravitate more towards introversion or extroversion, or are you somewhere in the middle, an ambivert? Comment below, I would love to hear your thoughts on this.


We want to emphasize that we are not health professionals or mental health doctors. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are based on our personal experiences, as well as research we have conducted.
We encourage you to seek professional guidance if you are experiencing any mental health issues or concerns. We hope that the discussions on this podcast can provide a source of support and insight for those who may be struggling, but please keep in mind that this podcast is not intended to provide medical advice or replace the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional.


Thank you for tuning in to our podcast and reading our blog, and I hope to see you next time! Remember to love yourself and inspire others to be kind!
With Love,


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